We made changes to the current price list, clarified the terms and prices to ensure a better price list structure. As well as uniform service prices across Baltics and adjust the wording and structure of the documents to make it more transparent and easily understandable for our customers.

The most significant changes are made to our Daily services such as Accounts and Packages. Please pay attention that we have changed the naming of packages to be aligned across Baltics:

  • Minimum service charge (previously - Mini package),
  • Luminor Debit (previously - Daily package),
  • Luminor Black (previously – Black package).

Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 01.04.2022 Type of change
Current account opening and maintenance  -  €10
Additional maintaining the account monthly fee for non-resident outside the EEA
New fee
Current account opening and maintenance  -  (Central Bank annual interest rate (3) minus 0.1% point)/360
Account balance fee (2) if the total balance exceeds: EUR 500 000; SEK 5 000 000; DKK 3 750 000; CHF 500 000; JPY 65 000 000; CZK 12 500 000

(2) The fee is calculated at the end of each day and is applicable if, at the time of calculation, the total balance of current accounts of one customer in the same currency exceeds the total balance in the respective currency indicated above. The fee is calculated by multiplying the sum above the limit by the absolute value (i.e., module) of the respective fee indicated above. The fee does not apply if the Central Bank annual interest rate becomes positive or zero.
(3) The Central Bank annual interest rate is the annual interest rate set by the central bank for the respective currency:
• for EUR currency - ECB deposit facility rate,
• for SEK currency - Sveriges Riksbank repo rate,
• for DKK currency - Danmarks Nationalbank Certificates of deposit rate,
• for CHF currency - Swiss National Bank negative interest rate,
• for JPY currency - Bank of Japan complementary deposit facility rate,
• for CZK currency - Czech National Bank deposit facility rate.


Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 01.04.2022 Type of change
Ordering and delivering
Visa Debit
 -  Free
Monthly fee for additional card (children 6 to 18 (not incl.) years of age)
New information about additional card for children


Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 01.04.2022 Type of change
Service packages
Minimum service charge
Monthly fee (Mini package)
Monthly fee (Minimum service charge)
Fee price and package name changed 
Service packages
Luminor Debit
Monthly fee (Daily package)
Monthly fee (Luminor Debit)
Fee price and package name changed 
Service packages
Luminor Debit
Monthly fee for senior customers (65 years of age or older) (Daily package)
Monthly fee for senior customers (65 years of age or older) (Luminor Debit)
Fee price and package name changed 
Service packages
Luminor Debit
Luminor Black
SMS message about change in card account balance
SMS message about change in card account balance
Fee price changed
Service packages
Minimum service charge
Luminor Debit
Luminor Black
Opening and maintenance of unlimited number of current accounts
Opening and maintenance of unlimited number of current accounts (2)
(1) Additional fee is applied to non-EEA residents according to "Current account" section of the Price List.
New footnote added


Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 01.04.2022 Type of change
Housing loan, Idea loan (Private loan) €100
Changes in credit agreement in case of restructuring
Changes in credit agreement in case of restructuring and extension of composite schedules
Fee name adjusted


Product name in price list Fee price and name currently Fee price and name starting from 01.04.2022 Type of change
Investment section in the price list is restructured to make it more clear according to products we offer inlc. adjusting fee names.   
Financial Instrument account
Other Financial instrument account related services
€20 + external costs
Issuing documents which allow customer to participate in AGM/EGM
As individually agreed
Participation in the meetings of shareholders
Fee price changed