Thinking broadly

Private Banker Ilze Salina

I had no specific life goal when graduating from high school. I studied Hospitality and Catering business. I have always been enjoying communication with people, I am also very meticulous and I do the work I undertook with great responsibility. I started working for Nordea in 2003. The beginning was rather challenging as I had to learn everything about the customer service just in a week.

Bit by bit but surely, I have been progressing up the career ladder. After working at the customer service, I became a credit advisor, and in 2006 I became a personal financial advisor and started servicing the Bank's gold clients. 

Every career step meant learning, and each new position required more knowledge than I had before. Solutions had to be found for different situations as sometimes they had to be put together in the right way like a puzzle of small pieces. 

Don't be afraid of change

One of the most interesting times in my career was the establishing the Nordea online department. We started servicing our customers only online. Wherever the client was, either in the office, at home or on the way, we have always been able to discuss all the necessary matters such as loans, investments or any everyday issues that needed to be resolved.

Now working online seems self-evident, however the challenge at that time was to prove the need and efficiency of online, to attest its added value. 
When Luminor was formed, we experienced a change, and I realized that I lack face-to-face communication with customers. Therefore, in summer 2018, I joined the Private Banking team. 

Be honest

While working in Private Banking, I studied the investments and rapidly developed my skills in this area. I followed the trends in economy and financial markets. For this purpose, I used all available means, including weekly market reviews by financial experts, listening to interviews, reading books on relevant topics. I got the understanding that everyone should know their own risk appetite. It also encouraged me to start investing myself. Is this the right time to invest? These are typical questions asked by nearly every customer. The experience globally, however, has proved that catching the right time is impossible. One should invest once the decision is made. 

Talking about the key to success, I think it is very simple - be open, friendly, but most importantly be honest. It is important to keep promises. This is the only way to gain trust. 

Make simple things special

The time I spend out of my work gives me strength and energy. Long walks, especially along the sea. Creative activities are also important to me, I try to make simple things special.  For example, I make candies, which later turn into delicious homemade gifts to please my family and friends.

I am happy now because I do what I like and do well. I am one of those lucky people who go to work with joy. 

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