Subject to changes in circumstances, the opinions given in the Overview may differ from current ones, which is why Luminor bears no responsibility for the timeliness of the opinions presented in the Overview.
This Overview should not be deemed an investment consultation or an offer to invest in financial instruments, make financial transactions or act in any other way. The Overview may not be interpreted as Luminor’s confirmation or promise of occurrence of the events reported in the Overview. The data presented is not connected to any potential information receiver’s specific investment goal, financial situation nor any specific needs.
The historical yield of securities described in this Overview is for reference only. The historical yield may not be considered as a guarantee for future investment results, as the real yield may differ considerably from the one referred to herein.
Luminor shall not be held liable for any loss that the customer might incur due to relying on information contained herein. Before making any investment or credit decision it is recommended to use the help of a respected professional and evaluate the suitability of the investment product or service to the customer’s risk profile and goals.
The terms and conditions of financial instruments and investment fund prospectuses can be found on the Luminor homepage This material may not be copied, distributed or published in any form without Luminor’s prior written consent.