Continuing the bank's modernisation and seeing that customers who have received everyday financial services - money deposits and withdrawals, etc. - still in the branches, now prefer to use the new technologies and remote services, in the first half of this year DNB banka gradually transfers all cash transactions at branches solely to cash deposits and withdrawals to/from ATMs, while the branches continue providing financial advice and other services.
DNB banka's branches in Valmiera, Jelgava, Rēzekne and other Latvian cities are already working under the new concept. Starting from 5 May in the branches in Daugavpils and Liepāja cash transactions will be available only through ATMs. The modernisation process is expected to be completed on June 26, when all DNB branches in Riga will be working under the new concept. In view of these developments, on June 26, 2015 the amendments to AS DNB banka General Transacting Rules, Account Maintenance and Card Usage Rules, Payment Rules, the Price List and Rules of Regular Invoice payment will enter into effect.
The changes apply to both private individuals and corporate entities.
The most important amendments to the Rules
The customer's duty to check the cash received from or paid to the Bank immediately on site, at the bank's branch is excluded from the General Transacting Rules, and the fee payment procedure is clarified (the customer shall ensure the availability of the cash amount sufficient to pay the fee on its account with the bank).
Account Maintenance and Card Usage Rules:
1. the regulation on the receipt of a number of cash services at the bank's customer service places is excluded (cash deposits on the customer's account, cash withdrawal from the customer's account, cash withdrawal on the basis of orders submitted via Internet bank or Uzņēmuma banka, as well as cash withdrawal, based on cash pay-out cheques);
2. the regulation on a new banking service is included - a cash payment on the account and the payment from the account with a password, using the bank's ATMs without payment cards;
3. the regulation is included, which, starting from this year's mid-summer, will enable the bank upon request of the customer and / or the cardholder send the inactive payment card to the customer or the cardholder by mail to the address specified (more details on this new bank service availability will be published on the bank's Internet home page).
Amendments made to the Payment Rules, stating that the customer may submit payment orders to the bank only for payment from the customer's account (further it will be impossible to make payments in cash to the bank).
Amendments to the Regular Bill Payment Rules provide that in cases if the company, for the payment of whose bills such agreement has been made, changes the payment Rules (for example, does not agree to receive a partial amount of the bill), unilaterally terminates the agreement or does not agree to send to the bank bills, which are issued to the company's service recipient who is not a customer of the bank, the bank has the right to make modifications to the regular bill payment agreement made with the customer.
In case you do not agree to the amendments made by the bank to the General Transacting Rules, Account Maintenance and Card Usage Rules, Payment Rules and Regular Invoice Payment Rules, in accordance with the Bank's General Transacting Rules you are entitled, before the amendments enter into effect, to unilaterally withdraw from the service agreement, which is affected by the amendments, upon a written notice to the bank and after all the obligations arising from the service agreement have been met. If within the pre-set time limit the bank does not receive from the customer such a written notice, it shall be deemed that the customer agrees to these amendments.
If you have not yet begun to take advantage of new opportunities - do not work with the Internet Bank or have no payment card - in the near future you are welcome at any DNB banka's branch! The polite and and professional employees of the branch, if necessary, will help you learn to use the Internet Bank and ATMs. You just have to ask and we will help you! In addition, we invite you to inform the bank of your current effective e-mail address for further communication by electronic means.
Insight in key amendments to the Price List for private individuals
  • Current account
    • The current account maintenance fee for individuals is increased, if within a year no current account transactions have been made (currently EUR 1.00, further EUR 2.00);
    • The price list position of the issuance of the account statement or information on the account transactions in the bank (for every account) is changed (currently EUR 2.50 per month per account statement, further EUR 5.00 per account for the period below 3 months)
  • Escrow account
    • The upper price limit for the following service is cancelled: “Escrow account opening and preparation of a standard agreement for transactions up to EUR 250 000" (currently 0.4% of the transaction amount, minimum EUR 50.00, maximum EUR 500.00, further 0.4% of the transaction amount, minimum EUR 50.00);

    • Commission fee for the service is changed: "Escrow account opening and preparation of standard agreement for transactions above EUR 250 000 or preparation of a non-standard agreement" (currently 0.8% of the transaction amount, minimum EUR 500.00, further, as agreed, minimum EUR 1,000.00)

  • Term deposits and their expiry and transfers of money from a Savings account
Commission fee for the following services is increased:
  • Deposit portion transfer from the savings account, the customer notifying the bank less than 7 days in advance (currently 1% of the transferred deposit amount, minimum EUR 1.40, further 1% of the transferred deposit amount, minimum EUR 5.00);
  • Deposit "Child's saving" termination or withdrawal of a portion of the deposit before the maturity date of the deposit (1% of the transferred deposit amount, minimum EUR 1.40, further 1% of the transferred deposit amount, minimum EUR 5.00)
  • Payments
    • The fee for payments within AS DNB banka on the customer's own or another person's account and the service has been received in the branch and Contact Center is increased (currently EUR 2.00, further EUR 3.00)
  • Payment cards
    • The cash withdrawal fee at ATMs of AS DNB banka, AS SEB banka, AS Swedbank, AB DNB bankas (Lithuania), DNB Bank ASA (Norway) – up to now is free of charge, further - for the total amount of up to EUR 700 per calendar month - free of charge; for the total of more than EUR 700 per calendar month - 0.2% of the amount exceeding EUR 700 (or the equivalent in USD);
    • Fee for cash deposit on the customer's account at AS DNB banka's ATM (using the payment card) is determined - for individuals - up to EUR 5000 per calendar month - free of charge; exceeding EUR 5000 per calendar month - 0.2% of the amount above EUR 5000 (or the equivalent in USD);
    • The changes of the payment card limits for cash withdrawals at ATMs:
o   for Dynamic Visa, Galactico Dynamic Visa, Maestro, Visa Classic, Galactico Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard cards the daily limit is increased to EUR 2500 (or equivalent in other currencies);
o   for VISA Gold, MasterCard Gold cards the daily limit is increased to EUR 3000 (or equivalent in other currencies);
o   the limit for a 30-days' period for cash withdrawals at ATMs for all cards is increased from EUR 8500 to EUR 20 000 (or equivalent in other currencies)
  • Cash operations
    • With the closing of cash operations in the branches the price list section "Cash operations" is liquidated
The most significant changes in the Price List for corporate entities
  • Current account
    • The price list position of the issuance of the account statement or information on the account transactions in the bank (for every account) is changed (currently EUR 2.50 per month per account statement, further EUR 5.00 per account for the period below 3 months);
    • The fee for verification of the power of attorney issued to the customer in Latvia is changed for corporate customers (currently EUR 7.00, further EUR 5.00);
    • A new price list position is introduced: Changes to the customer files executed at the bank upon the customer's request. The fee for the service is EUR 10.00;
    • The fee for the initial document verification is increased to EUR 150.00 and for current account maintenance to EUR 5.00 per month for electronic money institutions and payment institutions
  • Escrow account
    • The upper price limit for the following service is cancelled: "Escrow account opening and preparation of a standard agreement for transactions up to EUR 250 000" (currently 0.4% of the transaction amount, minimum EUR 50.00, maximum EUR 500.00, further 0.4% of the transaction amount, minimum EUR 50.00 );
    • Commission fee for the service is changed: "Escrow account opening and preparation of standard agreement for transactions above EUR 250 000 or preparation of a non-standard agreement" (currently 0.8% of the transaction amount, minimum EUR 500.00, further, as agreed, minimum EUR 1,000.00)
  • Term deposits and their expiry and transfers of money from the open term deposit
    • The minimum fee for the service "Deposit portion transfer from the open term deposit" is increased, the customer will have to give a written notice to the Bank less than 7 days in advance (currently 1% of the transferred deposit amount, minimum EUR 1.40, further 1% of the transferred deposit amount, minimum of EUR 5.00)
  • Payments
    • The fee for payments within AS DNB banka on the customer's own or another person's account and the service has been received in the branch and Contact Center is increased (currently EUR 2.00, further EUR 3.00)
  • Payment cards
    • The cash withdrawal fee is increased Visa Business Debit (currently 0.15% of the transaction amount (min. EUR 1.00), further 0.2   % of the transaction amount (min.EUR 1.00));
    • Fee for cash pay-in to the customer's account in ATM of AS DNB banka (using the payment card) is determined for corporate entities - total amount of up to EUR 10 000 per calendar month - free of charge; total amount over EUR 10 000 per calendar month - 0.2% of the amount in excess of EUR 10 000 (or equivalent in USD);
    • The changes of the payment card limits for cash withdrawals at ATMs:
    • for VISA Business Debit, Dynamic Visa, Maestro, Visa Business, MasterCard Business cards the daily limit is increased to EUR 2500 (or equivalent in other currencies);
    • the limit for a 30-days' period for cash withdrawals at ATMs for all cards is increased from EUR 8500 to EUR 20 000 (or equivalent in other currencies)  
  • Cash operations
    • With the closing of cash operations in the branches the price list section "Cash operations" is liquidated
  • Other services
    • The service of cheques issued by the customers is terminated.