How can I check a payment status?

  • Under “Ready” you can see all initiated payments awaiting confirmation/customer signature.
  • Under “Signed” you can see all partially confirmed payments awaiting final signature.
  • Under “Sent” you can see payments which have been sent to the Bank for processing but have not yet been processed or have not received feedback from the Bank.
  • Under “Confirmed” payments you can find payments which have received feedback from the Bank and are being processed.
  • Under “Denied” payments you can find payments which have been rejected by the Bank for some reason and payments which have been rejected by the customer themselves.

What kind of payment import file formats are supported?

Bridge supports XML (ISO20022 PAIN.001.001.03) and FIDAVISTA standard formats.

Why do some payments remain under “Sent”?

Payments still under the “Sent” status may be awaiting processing or the payment has not yet received feedback from the Bank and you should contact the Bank.

How can I import salary payments?

  • Salary payments can be imported under “Payment patches” using the XML or FIDAVISTA format.
  • We recommend that you pay attention during payment import to payments which should be debited as salary payments. Import files containing the salary reference “SALA” or a salary flag will be imported as salary payments and are debited as one row. Other payments are executed as normal payments.
  • You can also convert the whole import file to salary payments if your import file does not contain a salary reference. You have to select the checkbox “Import all payments as salary.”

What are the maximum payment limits per user?

Limits are set by the company representative for each user separately and decided by the company representative.

What is the session timeout duration?

For security reasons, the duration of the connection with the Bank is monitored. The maximum duration of one session is two hours. If the Bridge service has been idle for 15 minutes, the session will automatically expire and you will need to log in again to access the service.

Is card/loan/leasing/investment information available?

No – in Bridge you can see and download information on account reports and statements and make and import payments.

Is it possible to send a message to the Bank via Bridge?

Not currently, but such functionality will be implemented in the future.

How frequently does Bridge renew data?

Information in Bridge is renewed every 15 minutes.