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Price list changes for private customers starting 1 September 2020

By completing the migration of customer data and products to a unified Luminor system and developing digital channels, we want to update price list, remove references to products and services that are no longer offered, simplify its structure, as well as adjust service prices to reflect market changes.

Amendments to the DNB Bank rules and price list

... partner – the international credit card organisation VISA – in improving its payment card services. Therefore as of 1 February ... will be gradually replacing VISA Dynamic cards with VISA Debit, which will give clients broader opportunities to shop online, as well as ...

Luminor Debit Card

... person* *Account holder can order an additional Visa Debit card in another person’s name in the Accounts and cards / My Cards – ...

Amendments to the List of Condition of AS DNB banka under “Payment cards” and “Credit cards”

... As from 8 th December private individuals - holders of Visa Classic or Galactico Visa Classic payment cards are relieved of the fee ... in lieu of Dynamic Visa will be executed Visa Business Debit cards. Payment card functionality remains unchanged; to the previously ...

Amendments to the Pricelist of AS DNB banka

... will amount to EUR 20.00); Production and replacement of Visa Debit, Galactico Visa Debit and Visa Classic cards in case of loss, theft, ...

FAQ about Minimum service charge

... is the difference between Minimum service charge and Luminor Debit? What type of payments are included in Minimum service charge? How a ... Internet-bank, do I have to opt for a package? If I have Visa Debit card, can I opt for Minimum service ...

Price list changes for business customers starting 1 September 2020

By completing the migration of customer data and products to a unified Luminor system and developing digital channels, we want to update price list, remove references to products and services that are no longer offered, simplify its structure, as well as adjust service prices to reflect market changes.

Price list changes for private customers starting September 1, 2021

We made changes to the current price list, clarified the terms and prices to ensure a better price list structure, as well as uniform service prices in the Baltic States. We reduced a number of costs in the field of lending both to existing customers (in cases of payment holidays and credit problems) and to new customers by applying for a new loan.  The full version of the new price list is available here.

Price list changes for business customers starting September 1, 2021

We made changes to the current price list, clarified the terms and prices to ensure a better price list structure, as well as uniform service prices in the Baltic States. The full version of the new prie list is available here.

The bank DNB starts issuance of VISA cards with a blind cut

... 3 rd  July the customers of the bank DNB will receive VISA Galactico payment cards with blind cut to simplify their use when paying ... from ATM. Gradually, all DNB credit cards (MasterCard) and debit cards (VISA) will be replaced by the new design. These are the first ...
