Your pension in the future depends directly on your chosen pension manager today.

Our investment plans

Luminor 16-48

The objective of the investment plan is to ensure its value growth in the long run, by investing up to 100% of the assets of the investment plan in capital securities (equities), alternative investment funds and investment funds, which are allowed to invest in capital securities or financial instruments of comparable risk. The investment plan follows a long-term strategy, which allows for significant short-term fluctuations in the value of the investment plan. The investment plan may be recommended to participants aged up to 48 years, or those who are ready to accept significant volatility of the value of the investment plan. The performance of the plan is not guaranteed.

Luminor 48-53 (previous name - Luminor Progressive)

The objective of the Plan is to ensure the growth in value of the investment plan in the long run, by investing up to 75% of the Plan assets in capital securities (equities), alternative investment funds and investment funds, which are allowed to invest in capital securities or financial instruments of comparable risk. The investment plan follows a long-term strategy, which allows for significant short-term fluctuations in the value of the investment plan. The investment plan may be recommended to those participants not exceeding 53 years of age, or those who are ready to accept significant volatility of the value of the investment plan. The performance of the plan is not guaranteed.

Luminor 53-58 (previous name - Luminor Active)

This strategy is appropriate if you are willing to accept significant capital fluctuations and expect potentially higher returns in the long run. Up to 50% of assets can be invested in equities – companies’ stocks and similar types of investment. The remaining funds will be invested in fixed-income financial instruments: government and corporate bonds, bills, deposits with credit institutions and other similar types of investment. The plan assets are mostly placed in global investments. 

Luminor 58+ (previous name - Luminor Balanced)

The investment plan strives to higher return on investment in the long run by using well-balanced investment strategy providing for investment of up to 25% of the investment plan assets in equities and other financial instruments that carry similar risks. The majority of assets are placed in the Baltics 

Luminor 62-65 (previous name - Luminor Conservative)

This investment strategy is appropriate if you are looking for a safe and stable, yet modest return. All assets are invested internationally in fixed-income instruments, namely, government and corporate bonds, bills, deposits with credit institutions and other similar types of investment. 

Luminor index investments plan Sustainable Future

Up to 100 % of the funds of the plan are invested into global equities, by investing into equity index funds, which are replicating equity market indexes compliant with ESG criteria. The investment plan follows a long-term strategy, which allows for significant short-term fluctuations in the value of the investment plan. This plan is suitable for you if you are under 48 years of age, are willing to take a high investment risk with a higher return in the long run and want to support the sustainable future of our planet by helping companies that promote social welfare, care for the environment and responsible entrepreneurship.

All documents are in Latvian.

Luminor Pensions Latvia IPAS Financial statements
Transaction Execution Policy

Luminor Asset Management IPAS
Registration No. 40003699053
Skanstes iela 12, Rīga, LV-1013, Latvija
Account No. LV13RIKO0002013024575
Luminor Bank AS, code RIKO LV 2X
Tel. 1880

Information about remuneration policy
Inducements disclosures

Management company is obliged to act honestly, fairly and professionally in accordance with the best interests of the customers, therefore any fees or commission provided by any third party to the Management company in relation to investment management or administration activities, except fees which enable or are necessary for the provision of the relevant management or administration service, including custody costs, settlement and exchange fees, regulatory levies or legal fees, and which, by their nature, cannot give rise to conflicts with the management company’s duties to act honestly, fairly and professionally in accordance with the best interests of the customers, are always returned to pension funds. Management company does not receive any non-monetary benefits in relation to investment management and administration activities. The Management company undertakes to disclose additional information about fees or commission upon a separate request of the customer.

Current reports and statements of pension investment plans
Sustainability-related disclosures
Complaints and feedback handling

Pension plans` performance