Index pension plans
Luminor Sustainable Future

Index pension plans
Luminor Sustainable Future

  • Lowest commission fee among Luminor pension plans
  • Investments into index funds with high Sustainability (ESG) standards*
  • Up to 100% assets invested in equity index funds

Luminor index pension plan invests only index funds that invest in companies that have taken responsibility for implementing the environmental, social and governance related requirements. So that in 10, 20 and 30 years you and the world would live a little better. The future is yours to take care. Make the change by choosing Luminor index pension plan Sustainable Future.

We as a society are responsible on the planet we live in

Society needs to take more actions towards sustainable thinking and doing. Small things really matter: sorting garbage, using reusable bags and investing in companies who have taken responsibility for a more promising future to all of us.

You personally can make the change

Small choices you make have large effect on the planet and society to move towards healthier and more sustainable future

We will help you to take first steps towards more sustainable future

  • We have created passively managed pension plan solution with lower costs;
  • The pension plan will follow the market indexes  by assuring that  your pension capital will be invested mainly to companies which take responsibility for sustainable future;
  • You may personally contribute to more sustainable future with your choice of saving for pension in Luminor index pension plan Sustainable Future.

Will not invest into index funds that support companies which are associated with: fossil fuel extraction, production, power generation and reserves, weapons, genetically modified organisms, nuclear power production, etc**

Fully invested into index funds with high ESG intensity*

The lowest comission fee among Luminor Pension plans: 0,77% - the 3rd pillar pension, 0,32% - the 2nd pillar pension

Choose this plan if you have tolerance for high risk, since the fund invests up to 100% of assets in equities

Why to choose Luminor index pension plan Sustainable Future?

  • You don’t need to choose sustainability over profit - the investment policy of the pension plan provides investments mainly in equity index funds supporting companies with a high ESG rating*, while ensuring that investments are made in funds that follow indexes, covering global stock markets, which provide an opportunity to diversify investments;
  • Competitive fees – 0,77% for the 3rd pillar pension and 0,32% for the 2nd pension pillar are the lowest commission fees among Luminor pension plans and competitive in the Latvian pension fund market;
  • Passive asset management - regardless of the situation in the financial markets, the share of equity investments is maintained up to 100% and will provide close to the market’s return;
  • Make the change towards the benefits of our planet by investing in new index pension plan you are supporting sustainable business which care of our planet’s wellbeing;  
  • Being more socially responsible is easy – choose Luminor index pension plan Sustainable Future.

- Up to 100 % of the funds are invested in equitiy index funds
- Recommended if the term of the savings is at least 15 years or more
- Potentially high-income yield, with a possibility of significant capital fluctuations
- Passive management strategy by investing in index funds with high ESG intensity*

Useful links

Unit value and Performance of Pension Plans

3rd pillar pension
Luminor 3rd pillar pension offering
Pension plan applications
Accounts for contributions and bank account specification
Basic information for pension plan members

2nd pillar pension
Luminor 2nd pillar pension offering
Useful information for participants 
About 2nd pension pillar 

Luminor 3rd pillar pension plans are administered by Latvijas atklātais pensiju fonds, reg. No. 40103331798, Skanstes iela 12, Rīga, LV-1013, and is managed by Luminor Asset Management IPAS, Skanstes iela 12, Rīga, LV-1013. The custodian bank is Luminor Bank AS Latvian branch.
Before choosing the specific pension plan you should consider the following risks:
• the more investments thereunder are being made into stocks and other instruments comparable to them the more risk of income fluctuation this entails (both to positive and negative direction);
• historical income results generated by specific pension plans do not guarantee the same results in the future;
• choose the pension plan with active investment strategy only if you understand the risks it entails and can financially bear them;
• the closer you are to the retirement age the more conservative pension plan would be the best option for you.
Luminor Latvijas atklātais pensiju fonds AS (hereafter - Pension Fund), informs that pursuant to the Clause 29 sub-clause (7) of the Law on Private Pension Funds, the engagement policy and voting rights on behalf of Pension Fund implements manager of funds - Luminor Asset Management IPAS, which engagement policy is available here.

* Pension plan invests its assets only in equity index funds that in invest in companies with higher-than-average scores in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings, exclude companies that are involved in business activities associated with negative environmental or social impact. In addition, investments in fossil fuel sector (extraction & production, power generation, reserves) and companies involved in controversial activities are excluded or as a minimum significantly reduced. By applying exclusion criteria and investing only in companies with strong ESG ratings pension plan investments constitute only the best 25% of broad market universe in terms of ESG performance. ESG rating is designed to measure a company’s resilience to long-term, industry material ESG risks. Rules-based methodology is used to identify industry leaders and laggards according to their exposure to ESG risks and how well they manage those risks relative to peers (source:
** Tobacco, controversial weapons, civilian firearms, nuclear weapons, conventional weapons, alcohol, adult entertainment, gambling, extraction and production of thermal coal mining, (un)convectional oil & gas extraction, thermal coal-based power generation, oil & gas-based power generation, fossil fuel reserves for energy application, thermal coal reserves.