Loan and leasing
On your full-version Internet bank, send a message to the bank, in the section Messages / All messages / New application / Application from a sample, selecting the subject Application for Early (Partial) Repayment of Loan
To get a consultation regarding your current loan, you need to apply for it on your full-version Internet bank, by writing a free-form application, stating your question, in the section Messages / All messages / New application. An answer will be given in the same section, in form of a message.
To get a consultation regarding a new loan, fill in a credit application form and our experts will contact you.
Write an application in the Internet bank section Messages / All messages / New application / Application from a sample and select the subject regarding payment holidays.
Please, do not hesitate to contact us as soon as any concerns arise regarding difficulties to make payments. We will review every application individually and seek the most appropriate solution to suit every customer.
On our website, in the section Loans, choose the loan or leasing that suits you most and fill in an application form. Our experts will contact you to clarify all the necessary information.
You can view the necessary information on Internet bank, section Loan and Leasing, by selecting the option of detailed information.
Write to
The funds intended for repayment of consumer loan must be provided in your current account on the date of repayment specified in loan agreement. On this date, we will automatically repay the loan according to the loan schedule.